Loan Agreement Terms and Conditions</strong>

Loan Agreement Terms and Conditions

  1. Upon receipt, I will inspect the property and verify its MCCCD tag number and verify it is in good condition
  2. I understand the method of operation of the property and shall not try to avoid liability for damage on the grounds of not being familiar with operational procedures;
  3. I shall ensure that the loaned property is not used by a third party;
  4. I am responsible for the return of the loaned property borrowed in good condition on or before the due date but also agree that the property is returnable on demand;
  5. I shall advise the person immediately in charge of the department or section from whom I have borrowed the property if I become aware of any theft or loss of or damage to the property or any part of it and agree to file a report of loss with college police and the local police department;
  6. The use of MCCCD property off premises is a privilege and not a right. MCCCD reserves the absolute right within its discretion to recall the property without notice;
  7. Inappropriate use of college computer resources may result in notification of law enforcement authorities and / or the enforcement of community standards in the MCCCD student code of conduct.
  8. I understand services at any of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be withheld until all outstanding debts are paid in full.
  9. Responsibility for property taken off district premises: while the property is off premises, it is in the care, custody, and control of the lendee using it. Lendee is responsible for the property and its appropriate use and maintenance until the equipment return receipt has been completed. The lendee using the property must take all measures necessary to ensure the security of the property. While the property is in the possession of a lendee, lendee is responsible for returning the property to MCCCD in the same condition as lendee received it. Lendee agrees to assume the risk of loss or property damage due to the lendee's failure to exercise due care in the possession or use of the property. The phrase 'due care' means that level of care appropriate under the circumstances. Failure to exercise due care will be presumed unless the lendee can demonstrate that the property was lost or damaged despite the lendee's exercise of due care. If the property is damaged as a result of a failure to exercise due care, lendee agrees to pay MCCCD $250.00. [the cost of repair with the cost of repair not to exceed the replacement value. At the discretion of MCCCD, and in the case of damage, MCCCD may require replacement rather than repair. The lendee assumes financial responsibility for loss or damage to property through their homeowner's insurance or personal funds.

INDEMNIFICATION: In consideration of the use of the property for off premises use and to the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless MCCCD, its officers, agents, officials, employees, and volunteers from and against all claims, losses, suits, damages, actions, or expenses (including but not limited to attorney fees), arising out of or resulting from the use of the property or property attributable to bodily injury or sickness, disease, or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom.